Friday, 9 January 2015


What makes the difference between winners and losers? Why are some people above and others licking the dust of failure and mediocrity? Does it have to do with their look, age, height, sex, race or other factors? Is it that some have been destined to be “hewers” of stone, carriers of woods and drawers of water” while others are meant to be princes, masters and Lords, living in palaces? Does God favor some to win and excel in life and destine others to a life of failure, no matter what they do and how ever hard they struggle and try? I am sure you may have had cause to ask one or two of the questions above before as you take a look at the society and see the sharp differences between those who have made it well in life and those who have not. Sometimes, you may be tempted to think that life is unfair to some people. While it seems to favor some people, it is really very hard on some others. Some have attributed it to what they call luck or fate. But do you know that this is not true at all! None of these makes one a winner or a loser. Many young people attain winning or losing to external factors other than themselves. This kind of mentality makes one a failure, wining or losing depends largely on you. You are responsible for whatever happens to you in life. You cannot hold God accountable for only bad fortune in life. When he created you, He also endowed you with everything you will need to make it and to fulfill his purpose for you in life.
Those who win in life are those who have come to realize that they are in the world for a purpose and recognize their God given potentials re-organize their likes to fit in and achieve these goals. They also re-orientate their minds with positive thoughts, release their potentials in actions geared at reaching their life goals, relate well with others is perfect team play and those who retire, no matter the opposition they face.
The truth is, you can be a winner. Nothing else will please God and also give me joy than to see that you are winning in every aspect of your life.  Spiritual, Academic. Career, e.t.c. There should be no alternatives to this.

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