General Knowledge

Methods Of corruption


Bribery is the improper use of gifts and favours in exchange for personal gain. This is also known as kickbacks or, in the Middle East, baksheesh. It is the most common form of corruption. The types of favours given are diverse and include money, gifts, sexual favours, company shares, entertainment, employment and political benefits. The personal gain that is given can be anything from actively giving preferential treatment to having an indiscretion or crime overlooked.[17]
Bribery can sometimes be part of the systemic use of corruption for other ends, for example to perpetrate further corruption. Bribery can make officials more susceptible to blackmail or extortion.

Embezzlement, theft and fraud

Embezzlement and theft involve someone with access to funds or assets illegally taking control of them. Fraud involves using deception to convince the owner of funds or assets to give them up to an unauthorized party.
Examples include the misdirection of company funds into "shadow companies" (and then into the pockets of corrupt employees), the skimming of foreign aid money, scams and other corrupt activity.
 Extortion While bribery is the use of positive inducements for corrupt aims, extortion and blackmail center around the use of threats. This can be the threat of violence or false imprisonment as well as exposure of an individual's secrets or prior crimes.
This includes such behavior as an influential person threatening to go to the media if they do not receive speedy medical treatment (at the expense of other patients), threatening a public official with exposure of their secrets if they do not vote in a particular manner, or demanding money in exchange for continued secrecy.

Types of corrupt gains

Abuse of discretion

Abuse of discretion refers to the misuse of one's powers and decision-making facilities. Examples include a judge improperly dismissing a criminal case or a customs official using their discretion to allow a banned substance through a port.

Favoritism, nepotism and clientelism

Favouritism, nepotism and clientelism involve the favouring of not the perpetrator of corruption but someone related to them, such as a friend, family member or member of an association. Examples would include hiring a family member to a role they are not qualified for or promoting a staff member who belongs to the same political party as you, regardless of merit.
Some states do not forbid these forms of corruption.

10 Reasons Why it Rocks To Be a Trader

 Let’s be honest, trading can get discouraging at times. Even professional traders have losing months sometimes, so don’t be too hard on yourself. I think it’s good to remind ourselves sometimes just why it is we do this. A little positivity and fresh focus on the reasons we all got interested in trading can be a very powerful tool to help us get re-focused on what it takes to succeed. It’s also just good to remember why we are doing this, because sometimes, in the middle of the inevitable losing streak, it’s exactly what we need to hear.

The numerous articles and videos on the web about “trading problems” and “why trading is hard” can just be downright discouraging after a while. Yes, trading is hard, we all know that by now. But so is anything else in life worthwhile, and the end-goal of becoming a consistently profitable trader is BEYOND worthwhile. To remind you why, let’s discuss 10 reasons why being a trader ROCKS HARDER than any other profession that has ever existed.

1. The most obvious reason: Financial freedom

The term “financial freedom” means more than just having enough money to not have to worry about bills and other everyday problems, it’s also about having REAL freedom. Just thinking about having the ability to make enough money to live comfortably from anywhere in the world, only needing a computer and the internet, is a powerful and motivating thought.
Being a successful trader not only means that you can make a lot of money, but much more importantly, it means you have freedom. You have freedom to essentially do what you want when you want, and you really can’t put a price on that.

2. You’re a Badass.

Traders are people who are looking for a way out. A way out of the ‘Matrix’ that is modern-day work and the 9 to 5 grind. Who wants to spend the majority of their waking life working to make someone else more money than they make themselves? This is the mindset of a trader. He or she sees the world for what it really is and not some fairy tale that society wants them to believe.
Thus, to be a trader, you have to have a mindset that is different from the masses. You are a ‘lone wolf’ who takes a ‘me against the world’ mentality and you don’t care what other people think. Many people, when asked about trading, will simply pass it off as ‘too risky’ or something only an ‘elite’ group of people can excel it. These people are the masses, the ‘sheep’ who are happy to remain asleep inside of the ‘Matrix’. You however, you want to be a trader, which means you have the mentality of a badass ‘rock star’ who doesn’t accept the status quo of what society has to offer.

3. Escaping the 9-5 ‘slave-grind’

The life that being a full time trader would allow you to live is simply awesome. Sitting by the beach, relaxing, entering a trade occasionally throughout the month when you see a high-quality price action signal; not too bad.
However, even better than that, is simply not having to ‘report’ to work on time every day. Waking up at 6 in the morning to get ready to drive into a job you loathe is no one’s idea of fun. Being a full-time trader would allow you to escape this form of modern-day slavery. I firmly believe that the way we all go to work for 40 hours a week (or more), hunched over desks in windowless cubicles, is simply a new form of slavery. Trading provides the opportunity to escape this. It’s not easy of course, but at least it gives us a chance at real, true freedom.

4. Flexibility

The flexibility that you get from being a trader is awesome. You don’t have to worry about ‘missing work’ or ‘calling in sick’ if you want to go visit relatives or go on a holiday. You can make your own schedule, travel where you want and do what you want when you want. For me, simply not having to live by someone else’s ‘rules’ or schedule is one of the best parts about being a trader.

5. Family time

If you have kids, being a trader allows you to spend more time with them and be there more as they grow up. This is especially rewarding when they are little and doing new things every day. Spending 8 or 10 hours at work every day causes you to miss at least half of your kid’s childhood as they grow up. You really can’t put a price on having more time with your family. Being an at-home trader allows you to have this time.

6. You understand the world better

Being a trader helps you understand the differences in strength of various economies around the world. I always find it amazing how little most people know about exchange rates and the relative strengths of different countries. Being a currency trader, you become focused on the price action of various currency pairs and this helps you understand the world in a more intimate and clearer way than most other people who are not traders. For example, if you want to travel to a different country, you will likely already know the exchange rate difference between that country and your own, whereas most people have no idea.

7. You call your own shots

Being a trader means you call the shots. You make your own decisions both in the market and in life. If you wake up one day and you don’t feel like doing anything, then don’t. You are not obligated to drive to work and hear your boss dictate to you what you need to do. You set the rules.
This type of freedom isn’t for everyone though. Some people simply breakdown without the rules imposed by jobs and society. If you’re going to be a full-time trader, you have to make your own structure and routine in life. For those who embrace this, it comes with the perk of real freedom. But if you’re not a self-starter and self-motivated, you will struggle with this aspect of trading.
Two of the best things about trading for me, are travel and minimalism. I have adopted a minimalist approach to trading and life in general. I love having the choice to live a ‘normal’ / humble life and I enjoy traveling. Trading gives me the freedom to be able to travel when and where I want, and all I need to trade is my laptop or an ipad to manage my positions and study the charts. The minimalist lifestyle and trading approach are synergistic in that having a scaled-back and ‘minimalist’ lifestyle helps you remain clear-headed, calm and focused as you trade.

8. You can trade until you die – no physical labour

The fact that trading can be done by the young and old alike is another big advantage. If you’re a trader, you don’t really ever have to ‘retire’ if you don’t’ want to. You can trade your whole life because it obviously isn’t physical labour and it can be done from your home. Thus, becoming a skilled trader provides you with the potential to generate income you’re entire life.

9. Equal playing field for all

It doesn’t take a degree from a fancy university to become a successful trader. It just takes determination, persistence and most of all, discipline and patience. Trading is truly the most equal of all opportunities out there. Anyone who wants to become a trader can learn from the ground up, no ‘prerequisites’ required. Some of the best traders in the world have no formal college education, so even college dropouts can succeed as traders if they want it bad enough.
Thus, trading offers a real opportunity for anyone in the world who is looking for a different path in life, a path to real freedom from today’s overly-structured societal ‘norms’.

10. Giving back

Becoming a successful trader puts you in a very unique position of being able to help other people. Not only can you help your friends and family financially (which is also really cool), you have the ability to pass on a skill to them. Something that they can then use to build their own true freedom like you did. This not only benefits them but also brings you great internal satisfaction. This is one big reason why I started teaching people how to trade via my price action trading courses and online traders’ community. Life is not fulfilling unless you can help others and make a difference in their lives, and that certainly is my aim through Learn To Trade The Market.Read more Learntotradethemarket

Marriage is a beautiful union of two individuals coming together to find their ‘happily ever after’ story. But, this union has some best kept secrets that only those who have gone through the process are privy to! Yes, this is true. There are certain things about weddings that married couples have been through, yet choose not to share with their soon-to-be married friends and relatives. So, all those getting married, we have decided to break this cycle of secrecy for you. Here is a list of top things that no one would tell you about weddings.

1. Less invitee never signifies lower costs!
If you believe that by keeping your guest list short you can save on your wedding budget, think again! Things do not work out that way all the time. Keeping related costs in perspective can offer better results. After all, the expenses related to hiring an expensive photographer or a live band can override your wedding budget. Well, guests are not the sole reasons that make a wedding budget shoot up. So, plan your wedding budget carefully and with complete perspective before you begin striking out names from the guests list.
2. Things will go wrong!
Every girl dreams of a fairy tale wedding! They want a perfect wedding where everything is set in accordance to a pre-orchestrated plan. Sadly, things in real life do not work that way. Your unique ice sculpture may melt down before the ceremony, your revolving stage may not revolve at the precise moment, and rains may decide to play a prank on your wedding day. When it comes to a wedding plan, it is best to be prepared for the worst and hope for the best. So, keeping a realistic expectation is important
3. People will always notice!
If you feel that in the enjoyment and festive atmosphere of weddings, people will be too busy to notice small or imperceptible errors, you are completely wrong! The invitees not only keep an eagle’s eye on the proceedings, but also discuss the mistakes for the times to come. For this reason people nowadays prefer to employ a wedding planner, so that it becomes their responsibility to organize everything perfectly. However, keep in mind that no matter what ‘hits’ or ‘misses’ your guests observe, this will remain your special day forever
4. No one will give you straight answers ever!
“Do you think this color will go with our theme?” “Are you sure this dress is looking good on me?” “Should we hire a live band or a DJ?” Every bride-to-be wants the honest opinion whenever she asks such questions. Well in reality, put such questions up to your friends, wedding vendors or even your would-be and you would never get a straight answer. ‘Yes’ or ‘no’ replies are hard to find when you seek people’s help to finalize your wedding details. Best reply you can get is “if you feel so…”!

Ten foods that Damage the Teeth

 You’ve probably heard brushing and flossing twice a day is the best way to keep your teeth healthy. But some foods cause enough damage to warrant extra cleanings.
1. Apples
Apples are high in acid, are surprisingly hard on your enamel. While a daily apple may keep the doctor away, the acid might keep your dentist on speed dial. Eating apples is fine, just be sure to rinse your mouth with water or mouthwash shortly after.
2. Hard candies
Though you probably know the sugar in candy is a problem, hard candies are especially harmful because we tend to hold them in our mouths longer. Also be aware that cough drops are often made with sugar, so opt for the sugar-free brand if available.
3. Pickled vegetables
Pickles are made with vinegar, which is acidic, and often sugar as well. While the vegetables are healthy, the brine is can damage your teeth. Drinking water with your meal helps wash away acids and sugar, but remember to brush an hour later.

4. Bread
Many breads contain sugar—especially processed white breads. It’s best to check the labels for any added sweeteners that will breed mouth bacteria. Bread is also sticky and gets between and behind your teeth.
5. Popcorn
Popcorn is notorious for getting stuck in your teeth, and the areas between your teeth will cultivate more bacteria for that reason. It’s okay to treat yourself to a bag of popcorn as long as you rinse with water and remember to floss and brush after.
6. Peanut butter
Sticky and often made with sugar, peanut butter not only feeds bacteria but makes it easier for them to adhere to teeth. Look for natural peanut butters with no added sugars to lessen the problem.
7. Jelly
Along with peanut butter, jelly or jam is loaded with sugar and quite sticky. Even the all-fruit brands contain natural sugars and encourage plaque and bacteria if not washed away soon.
8. Meat
Meat tends to get stuck between your teeth, and some meat products contain sugar as a preservative. While the amount may not be very high, any food that sits between your teeth can promote tooth decay. Try chewing sugar-less gum after eating if you can’t brush right away.
9. Diet soda
Just because it doesn’t have sugar doesn’t mean your teeth are safe. The acidity of diet sodas is still extremely high, making it one of the worst products for your teeth.
10. Salad dressing
More of a condiment than a food, salad dressings use vinegar and sugar for flavor. Salads should be a staple in anyone’s diet, but be careful of the dressings that can harm your smile.

Ten Reasons to wait Till Marriage 

In what is fast becoming a very s*xual world, one might wonder if there still the need for abstinence.
1. s*x is a powerful force that can destroy if not used properly. Like atomic power, s*x is the most powerful creative force given to man. When atomic power is used correctly it can create boundless energy; when it is used in the wrong way it destroys life. s*x is the same kind of powerful force. s*x is a gift from God to give us the greatest pleasure, to help in creating a deep companionship with one’s spouse and for procreation of the next generation. But if you play with this powerful force outside the bounds of marriage, it destroys you and those close to you.
2. s*xual activity for young people arrests their psychological, social and academic development. Studies show that when young people engage in premarital s*x, their academic performance declines and their social relationships with family and friends deteriorate. This is because adolescents are too immature to deal with the explosive s*x drive and it tends to dominate their life.
3. The majority of women cannot enjoy s*x outside of the bonds of marriage. The development of a fulfilling s*x life needs the security and peace of the marriage bond. Premarital s*x usually takes place sneaking around in hidden places dealing with the fear of being caught, the fear of pregnancy and feelings of guilt. All these (worrisome) factors undermine pleasure in premarital s*x, most especially for women.

4. Virginity is to be given to the most important person in your life, the person you committed yourself to stay with forever in marriage. Your virginity is the most precious thing you have to give to your spouse. Once you lose it, nothing in the world can bring it back. Don’t lose something so precious in a thoughtless way.
5. Those who engage in premarital s*x run a high risk of contracting one of the many venereal diseases rampant today, as well as losing their fertility. Not just AIDS, but other common disfiguring diseases like herpes have no cure.
6. Some venereal diseases have no symptoms and many couples discover many years later that they became infertile because of these diseases. Infertility experts estimate that 80% of today’s infertility is due to venereal diseases contracted before they married.
7. The best and only method that guarantees 100% against AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases is to wait for marriage to have s*x and maintain fidelity in your marriage.
8. Premarital s*x breaks the 10 Commandments given by God. The 10 Commandments are given to man by God to make man happy. They are not outdated and they are not restrictive. If we follow these laws, we can create happy and prosperous lives. If we don’t follow them, we will pay a heavy price in divorce, disease, abortions, illegitimate children and loneliness. Modern men make a big mistake when they think that they can break these eternal laws and not suffer consequences.
9. Premarital s*x runs the risk of conceiving illegitimate children. Numerous scientific studies show that the children of single mothers suffer psychologically and are less successful socially and academically than children from intact families. Above all, children need both their father and their mother. It is wrong to risk having children who will never have their father’s love, protection and care.
10. If you date and you don’t have s*x, you can forget about that relationship when you stop dating. But if you have s*x with those you date and then break up, the nature of sexual involvement creates strong, often unpleasant memories for your whole life. Every relationship you break up where you had intimate relations is like a mini-divorce. The psychological difficulties of these mini-divorces does damage to your character. Later, when you are married and go to bed with your beloved spouse, these unpleasant memories will accompany you.
True love waits. If a boy or girl truly loves you, they will want the best for you. They will not want you to suffer fear of disease, unwanted pregnancy and the psychological difficulties of premarital s*x. They will want to experience love with you only in the very best place of all – the love nest of marriage.

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