Wednesday, 14 January 2015


I took a golf lesson.  I do really well the first day and out power my instructor.  I'm feeling really proud.  The next day, I'm not feeling so proud.  I keep putting the ball in the water and I'm so frustrated.  Finally, I said to my instructor, "You are a terrible instructor, because I should at least be consistent at whatever shooting level I can achieve.  I know I'm not Tiger Woods, but I should be able to be consistent.  Telling me this is difficult is not helping.  Tell me what to do."

He said, "Actually, you are only a little bit off.  He said if you approach the ball and change the angle you are attacking just one or two millimeters in the beginning, it changes the arc.  One millimeter off and you are in the green or in the water. "

I thought what a great belief system.  When all hell is breaking loose and nothing's working, you are only one millimeter off.  Cause most people think, "It's impossible," and then they give up.

The best thought you can have if nothing's working, "I'm only one millimeter away.  There's only one little thing I can change and it will change everything." Here's the difference between being certain and being uncertain - standing straight up.  I mean straight up.  When you drop just a little bit in your chest, feel it, and bring it back up.  It's just a tiny difference.

I'm a 17 year old kid from California with no real education, with no background, with parents who did their best, always, with no money, but I did one thing -- I loved people and I had an enormous demand I made upon myself, I sculpted my mind and my emotions to get me to do whatever it takes to achieve.  I did it by using my body and changing my focus. I put myself in peak physicality and used incantations.

Can you train yourself to believe in something?


Do you have that voice in your head that doubts you can do it?

What you want to do is train a new voice.

Start doing incantations.  Not affirmations.  Affirmations are saying something you don't believe.  You haven't changed your physiology.  If you don't change your physiology, you can't change anything.

Using incantations, you not only speak it, but you embody what you are saying with all the intensity you can.  You do it with enough repetitions that it sticks in your head.  Then, conversation in your head is always the same and it gives you what you want.  So, you use your body and your voice.

When two people meet, the person who is most certain will always influence the other person.  Successful people do what failures won't.

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