How to add Related Posts Widget to Blogger
Step1. Log in to your Blogger Dashboard, then go to Template and click Edit HTML.
Step 2. Find below text from search (Ctrl + F)
]]></b:skin>Step 3. Copy and paste the given code above this line.
<!--BlogTipsUK Related Posts with thumbnails Start-->Change the red value to show number of posts.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> /* remove this */
<style type='text/css'>
#related-posts {
#related-posts h2{
font-size: 18px;
letter-spacing: 2px;
font-weight: bold;
text-transform: none;
color: #5D5D5D;
font-family: Arial Narrow;
margin-bottom: 0.75em;
margin-top: 0em;
padding-top: 0em;
#related-posts a{
border-right: 1px dotted #DDDDDD;
#related-posts a:hover{
<script type='text/javascript'>
var defaultnoimage="";
var maxresults=5;
var splittercolor="#DDDDDD";
var relatedpoststitle="Related Posts";
</script><a href="" style="font-size:0pt">Blogger SEO Tips</a>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
</b:if> /* remove this */
<!--BlogTipsUK Related Posts with thumbnails End-->
Change the green color to change color of splitter line between posts.
Change the blue color to change Name of title.
Step 4. Find below text from search (Ctrl + F)
<div class='post-footer'>Step 5. Copy and paste the below code above this line.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>Change red color to change number of posts displayed in widget.
<div id='related-posts'>
<b:loop values='data:post.labels' var='label'>
<b:if cond='data:label.isLast != "true"'>
<script expr:src='"/feeds/posts/default/-/" + + "?alt=json-in-script&callback=related_results_labels_thumbs&max-results=6"' type='text/javascript'/></b:loop>
<script type='text/javascript'>
</div><div style='clear:both'/>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'><b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
<a href='' style="font-size:20%">Relaetd Posts Widget</a></b:if></b:if>
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Blogger Widgets.
Why Blogging is the Future of Branding
The Internet is not a static space. It
is a dynamic space filled with dynamic people who have dynamic
viewpoints. It is constantly evolving and growing. As such, the old
“broadcaster” model of business simply does not fit with today’s
generation. And that is why blogging has become so important. People
don’t want to passively absorb the content on the Internet; they want to
interact with it. They want to engage with the blogger. They want a
much richer experience.
In the early days of blogging, the articles were very personal and very casual. Even so, it represented a huge revolution in the way that information was not only consumed, but how it was produced. The average Joe and Jane could stake their claim on the web and make their mark on the world. It paved the way for more mass communication and a true voice “from the streets” and from real people. Anyone can start a blog and the barriers to entry are lower than ever.
But what is a blog exactly? Short for web log, it is a shared online journal that is typically presented in reverse chronological order. That is to say that the newest blog entries are displayed at the top of the page and older ones follow beneath it. They started as online diaries with personal experiences and stories, but blogs have quickly evolved into much more than that.
Companies use them to better expand their brands. Indeed, blogs themselves have become a very viable business, powered and funded by major media conglomerates. Blogs can be more than text. They can include video, pictures, and more. The most important thing is that the blog is updated frequently and regularly.
From Blogspot to WordPress, blogging can truly be a free endeavor. Even those who want a more professional appearance need only a very small investment: the cost of a domain. Whereas these costs could be out of reach for the average citizen in days past, they are literally pennies on the day today. Anyone can start a blog. Anyone can have their voice heard on the Internet.
Companies are really starting to understand the value of blogging. The press release still has its place, but people want to know more about the companies, the people working there, and the products being sold. There’s so much more than simple feature comparison or price checks; from socially-conscious consumers to interested investors, people only want to do business with companies that they really know.
That’s why blogging is positively critical for branding. This is true not only of large corporations and their official blogs, like Disney and Google, but also small business owners and entrepreneurs. As a freelance writer myself, my blog plays a monumental role in how I choose to brand myself and my writing business. It offers potential and current clients a better viewpoint into who I am as a person and what I am able to bring to the table.
Companies like Disney still have their official websites. This is where they can place important official information, but the blogs offer customers a glimpse behind the scenes in a very human way. This allows the people at Disney to interact with its users, customers, and community. It is much less intimidating for web users to participate in a blog or forum than it is for them to approach a corporate contact form. They can feel like they are a part of the family, rather than an outsider intruding in unfamiliar territory.
With blogs, companies and individuals can remind the public that they aren’t just some corporate entity; they’re real people. And when it comes to brands, people want to deal with other people, not some nameless organization. Blogging helps to establish, maintain, and grow that very human relationship with the brand.
In the early days of blogging, the articles were very personal and very casual. Even so, it represented a huge revolution in the way that information was not only consumed, but how it was produced. The average Joe and Jane could stake their claim on the web and make their mark on the world. It paved the way for more mass communication and a true voice “from the streets” and from real people. Anyone can start a blog and the barriers to entry are lower than ever.
But what is a blog exactly? Short for web log, it is a shared online journal that is typically presented in reverse chronological order. That is to say that the newest blog entries are displayed at the top of the page and older ones follow beneath it. They started as online diaries with personal experiences and stories, but blogs have quickly evolved into much more than that.
Companies use them to better expand their brands. Indeed, blogs themselves have become a very viable business, powered and funded by major media conglomerates. Blogs can be more than text. They can include video, pictures, and more. The most important thing is that the blog is updated frequently and regularly.
From Blogspot to WordPress, blogging can truly be a free endeavor. Even those who want a more professional appearance need only a very small investment: the cost of a domain. Whereas these costs could be out of reach for the average citizen in days past, they are literally pennies on the day today. Anyone can start a blog. Anyone can have their voice heard on the Internet.
Companies are really starting to understand the value of blogging. The press release still has its place, but people want to know more about the companies, the people working there, and the products being sold. There’s so much more than simple feature comparison or price checks; from socially-conscious consumers to interested investors, people only want to do business with companies that they really know.
That’s why blogging is positively critical for branding. This is true not only of large corporations and their official blogs, like Disney and Google, but also small business owners and entrepreneurs. As a freelance writer myself, my blog plays a monumental role in how I choose to brand myself and my writing business. It offers potential and current clients a better viewpoint into who I am as a person and what I am able to bring to the table.
Companies like Disney still have their official websites. This is where they can place important official information, but the blogs offer customers a glimpse behind the scenes in a very human way. This allows the people at Disney to interact with its users, customers, and community. It is much less intimidating for web users to participate in a blog or forum than it is for them to approach a corporate contact form. They can feel like they are a part of the family, rather than an outsider intruding in unfamiliar territory.
With blogs, companies and individuals can remind the public that they aren’t just some corporate entity; they’re real people. And when it comes to brands, people want to deal with other people, not some nameless organization. Blogging helps to establish, maintain, and grow that very human relationship with the brand.
How to Write Content that Drives Traffic
Yes, you read that right!
You can write content that “drives” traffic.
There are very few words that can deeply affect the emotions of a blogger and one of those few words is the word “traffic”. The unfortunate thing is that when it comes to getting traffic to our blogs we’re all used to the idea of using tactics, with little concern for the kind of content we create.
In my experience the best way you can generate traffic to your blog isn’t by guest blogging, it isn’t by blog commenting but it is by something I call “writing for traffic“. If you’re ready to start writing for traffic then read below to get a few tips to help you write content that drives traffic.
It doesn’t matter how great your article is. It doesn’t matter how many points it contains and it doesn’t matter how many features your article has or how many reasons you give to your readers to make them read it. Ultimately, there is only one thing that matters and that makes your readers decide to even click to read your content – that one thing is the “benefiting factor” they perceive in it.
If you really want to write content that drives traffic then you need to start spending more time on writing great headlines that stand out. Having the perfect headline not only entices a lot of people to click to read your article, it also results in more retweets and shares which results in more people seeing it and more people sharing it.
In fact, I have written 2 great list posts this month already and both have been viewed by thousands of people.
List posts will always work, as long as you follow my formula to writing it.
Be Smart With Your Title: I know I made a point about having the right title above, but it is very important to pay more attention to it here if you really want your list post to go viral. Don’t just write a list post titled 10 ways to be a better blogger. A lot of people have read countless articles on being a better blogger so there’s little to no chance they will pay attention to it but by having a title like “10 little known ways to be a better blogger” or “10 outstandingly effective ways to be a better blogger” you will be able to get more people to read your list posts.
One thing about my examples though is the use of “key words”. These key words, if used effectively can make a huge difference in people reading your articles or not and a great example of key words in the titles used as examples are “outstandingly effective” and “little known”. You also need to make sure your article delivers on the promises of your headline – don’t tell people you’re giving them little known ways to do something and then give them common tips. The more unique your articles are and the more you over deliver, the more traffic you will be able to get to your list posts.
Format Your Articles with Eye Catching Images: Another tactic I have noticed works well with list posts is the use of effective, eye catching images in the article. The more attractive your images are, the more results you can get from using them.
You should also know that an image speaks a thousand words so don’t for once underestimate the importance of using an image in your article. It doesn’t matter if it took you 30 minutes or 1 hour to find the right images, you will be very happy you spent that time choosing the right images.
What if they don’t?
This is something especially important depending on your niche. Sometimes we enjoy an article so much that by thinking about taking action on it we forget to share it. A little reminder to share your post might make a whole lot of difference in whether it drives traffic or not. Make sure you have a clear call to action encouraging people to spread the word about your blog post so that others will benefit.
It is also very important to be careful with how you tell people to share your articles. If you tell them to share every single article you write then it would soon become a common thing and they will start giving your call to actions less attention.
Read more at can write content that “drives” traffic.
There are very few words that can deeply affect the emotions of a blogger and one of those few words is the word “traffic”. The unfortunate thing is that when it comes to getting traffic to our blogs we’re all used to the idea of using tactics, with little concern for the kind of content we create.
In my experience the best way you can generate traffic to your blog isn’t by guest blogging, it isn’t by blog commenting but it is by something I call “writing for traffic“. If you’re ready to start writing for traffic then read below to get a few tips to help you write content that drives traffic.
Only Write Content that Benefits Your Readers
If you’ve been in business for more than a few days now then you will have heard the phrase “benefits sells, not features” at least twice, and that statement can’t be far from the truth.It doesn’t matter how great your article is. It doesn’t matter how many points it contains and it doesn’t matter how many features your article has or how many reasons you give to your readers to make them read it. Ultimately, there is only one thing that matters and that makes your readers decide to even click to read your content – that one thing is the “benefiting factor” they perceive in it.
Let Your Headline Stand Out
In case you don’t know yet, I follow only 51 people on Twitter and I see hundreds of post titles in my Twitter stream alone everyday, I’m subscribed to almost 50 blogs via RSS and I also follow people via Facebook. There is just too much content out there than I can read and to make me a reader you need me to read your content.If you really want to write content that drives traffic then you need to start spending more time on writing great headlines that stand out. Having the perfect headline not only entices a lot of people to click to read your article, it also results in more retweets and shares which results in more people seeing it and more people sharing it.
Write List Posts
Old advice, eh? But it works!In fact, I have written 2 great list posts this month already and both have been viewed by thousands of people.
List posts will always work, as long as you follow my formula to writing it.
Be Smart With Your Title: I know I made a point about having the right title above, but it is very important to pay more attention to it here if you really want your list post to go viral. Don’t just write a list post titled 10 ways to be a better blogger. A lot of people have read countless articles on being a better blogger so there’s little to no chance they will pay attention to it but by having a title like “10 little known ways to be a better blogger” or “10 outstandingly effective ways to be a better blogger” you will be able to get more people to read your list posts.
One thing about my examples though is the use of “key words”. These key words, if used effectively can make a huge difference in people reading your articles or not and a great example of key words in the titles used as examples are “outstandingly effective” and “little known”. You also need to make sure your article delivers on the promises of your headline – don’t tell people you’re giving them little known ways to do something and then give them common tips. The more unique your articles are and the more you over deliver, the more traffic you will be able to get to your list posts.
Format Your Articles with Eye Catching Images: Another tactic I have noticed works well with list posts is the use of effective, eye catching images in the article. The more attractive your images are, the more results you can get from using them.
You should also know that an image speaks a thousand words so don’t for once underestimate the importance of using an image in your article. It doesn’t matter if it took you 30 minutes or 1 hour to find the right images, you will be very happy you spent that time choosing the right images.
Tell People to Share It!
If it is great content people will share it, right?What if they don’t?
This is something especially important depending on your niche. Sometimes we enjoy an article so much that by thinking about taking action on it we forget to share it. A little reminder to share your post might make a whole lot of difference in whether it drives traffic or not. Make sure you have a clear call to action encouraging people to spread the word about your blog post so that others will benefit.
It is also very important to be careful with how you tell people to share your articles. If you tell them to share every single article you write then it would soon become a common thing and they will start giving your call to actions less attention.
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