Friday, 30 January 2015

Preventing corruption

R. Klitgaard[18] postulates that corruption will occur if the corrupt gain is greater than the penalty multiplied by the likelihood of being caught and prosecuted:
Corrupt gain > Penalty × Likelihood of being caught and prosecuted
The degree of corruption will then be a function of the degree of monopoly and discretion in deciding who should get how much on the one hand and the degree to which this activity is accountable and transparent on the other hand. Still, these equations (which should be understood in a qualitative rather than a quantitative manner) seem to be lacking one aspect: a high degree of monopoly and discretion accompanied by a low degree of transparency does not automatically lead to corruption without any moral weakness or insufficient integrity. Also, low penalties in combination with a low probability of being caught will only lead to corruption if people tend to neglect ethics and moral commitment. The original Klitgaard equation has therefore been amended by C. Stephan[19] into:

Saturday, 24 January 2015

scales of corruption

Here are the scales of corruption According to Wikipedia.

Corruption can occur on different scales. There is corruption that occurs as small favors between a small number of people (petty corruption), corruption that affects the government on a large scale (grand corruption), and corruption that is so prevalent that it is part of the every day structure of society, including corruption as one of the symptoms of organized crime (systemic corruption)

Petty corruption

Petty corruption occurs at a smaller scale and within established social frameworks and governing norms. Examples include the exchange of small improper gifts or use of personal connections to obtain favours. This form of corruption is particularly common in developing countries and where public servants are significantly underpaid.

Monday, 19 January 2015

How to Self Publish with Google eBooks

Google has finally announced officially its Google Books for the Android Marketplace. This comes 2 months after its venture started into eBooks, and the Google eBookstore.  With over three million titles available, Google is now set to be able to rival bookstore giant Amazon and to take on Apple and the iPhone.
To make its new venture even more appealing to everyone, Google ebooks and Google eBookstores will operate with all eBook formats.
All this makes the Google eBookstore another great market for self-publishers to distribute and sell their ebooks through.
How will a self publisher be able to jump on publishing with Google eBooks while it is hot?  First, you will need to create an account with Google (if you don’t already have one) and sign up with Google Books.  Once you have done this, and agreed to terms to allow your books to be listed, you will be allowed to join eBookstore and become a Google Books Partner. Free Self-Publishing

For a self publishing service we recommend Unlike other self publishing companies, lulu’s service is completely based online. What this means is that you can have your book published and ready to be mailed to you in 15 minutes. There’s no waiting for days or weeks just to have your book files reviewed like other self publishing companies.
What we really like is that you can add your book to their market place and have it ready to sell for free. When someone orders your book, lulu prints and ships it to them and you receive a commission. This is great way to test market your book without spending a dime.

Tips And Tricks To Make Yourself Write

he secret to writing has long been known: constant practice, and yet despite this seeming common logical notion, maintaining consistency has been the challenge of many of today’s writers. And while many people suggest “the one” strategy that will have you writing all the time, the truth is different things work for different writers.
That said, we’ve listed a set of different suggestions on what might work.
Write here. Write now.
Stop beating yourself up over what you didn’t do yesterday and start working on what you need to do right now.
Try changing things up; if before you wrote on the computer, try going back to basics and write with a pen and paper. You’ll be surprised how liberating that can be. Alternatively, you could try printing your work onto flash cards to organize your process of thought.
Temptations: take yourself out of the equation, which means disconnecting from the Internet and turning your back to your ringing cellphone. And if you combine this tip with the one above, you’ll find yourself being a bit more productive too.
Nothing sets your creative juices flowing than a time limit. Put yourself on the clock and you know you can’t give in to temptations during the timer’s duration. Of course when it buzzes, you can stop and start doing something else. If you start with 30 minutes of writing and 10 minutes of break, that’s a great way to set things up.
Making Writing A Habit
Set up a time to write; either it’s the first thing you start your day with before doing anything else (aside perhaps, from caffeine), or it’s another time but be consistent.
After you’re done writing, make a mental (or written) note on just what you will be doing in your next session.
Have a work desk where you do nothing but write, and set it up accordingly. This will be your dedicated writing space.
Focus more on how long you’re going to write for, as opposed to the words or pages produces. What matters more is getting into the habit of writing and thinking, because some days will be really productive and some won’t. Don’t be disheartened, just keep at it.
Maintain a journal or a graph or a chart that tracks your progress; this will help you know what you’ve accomplished along with just how much time you’ve been giving to the craft. Maybe try putting it into your day planer and/or calendar as an appointment. But be sure to keep the appointment.
Try writing with somebody and make an appointment of writing at the same time every day, which can be turned into a lasting commitment over the phone, text or email after or before starting.
Finally, try writing down a list of things you would like to cover in your work which doesn’t have to be anything fancy; it can be something to help you keep yourself on track. When you’re stuck, try some other point. Crossing a point of the list will give you a tremendous list of accomplishment, trust me.
But whatever you choose to do, keep in mind that the most important thing is that you keep writing. Don’t stop. Persistence is key.

Wednesday, 14 January 2015

The Key Difference Between Winners And Losers In Business

Are winners in business just more talented? Or luckier than the average person?
Most people believe yes.
But Professor Carol Dweck of Stanford University has proof to the contrary. After over a decade of research her team has shown that in the long term, consistent success does not largely hinge on IQ or luck.
It relies on a particular type of mindset. If you develop this mindset (and it can certainly be developed) your chances of achieving uncommon success are high, regardless of your field of endeavor.
Dweck calls that winning mindset the ‘Growth Mindset’, and the essence of Growth Mindset is as follows.
Growth Mindsetters have a core belief that their talents are not fixed. Therefore they are confident that anything they choose to do can be done better. Basically, they have a deep belief that their potential is virtually limitless, as long as they do two things.
1. Consistently focus on getting better at that particular area.
2. Try hard at it.
Effort, focus and belief are at the core of how a Growth Mindsetter thinks.
As a result, they may start off not being particularly good at something, but by concerted action they quickly get better at it. ‘Excellence through constant improvement’ could be the credo of a Growth Mindset oriented person.
With this attitude, Professor Dweck showed that even people with lower than average IQ’s often succeeded at a higher level than more intelligent people who didn’t dedicate themselves to life long improvement.
A startling notion, I’m sure you will agree.
After all, if success over time is not about luck or inherent talent, then that squarely puts the pressure on each of us to commit to continual learning and effort to endlessly get better.
Do you have enough of a Growth Mindset? If your honest answer is No, it’s time to get to work.
"She's a winner!" He's a real loser". We frequently hear people
labeled as winners or losers. We seem to instinctively know the

Many years ago, I saved a poem that discusses the difference
between winners and losers. I don't know who wrote it, but I'll tip
my hat to her or him, because the poem captured the essence of
character that distinguishes winners from losers. I'll share it with
you now with my thoughts.

50 Failure Quotes from 50 Successful People

1. “A failure establishes only this: that our determination to succeed was not strong enough.” – Bovee
2. “I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison
3. “Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.” – Louis Boone
4. “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” – Truman Capate
5. “Failure can either be a stepping stone to success or a stumbling to defeat.” – Ron Holland
6. “Greatness is not achieved by never falling but by rising each time we fall.” – Confucius
7. “He who looks into the future with the eyes of fear will see nothing but failure.” – Dr O. Ezekiel
8. “If you are not failing, you are not growing.” – H. Stanley Judd
9. “If you succeed, it’s your fault. If you fail to succeed, it’s also your fault.” – K. C. Prince
10. “Sheer persistence is the difference between success and failure.” – Donald Trump
11. “It’s common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.” – Franklin D. Roosevelt
12. “Life is all about learning and one of the most memorable ways of learning something is by messing up.” – Dr. Wayne. W. Dyer
13. “More men fail though lack of purpose than lack of talent.” – Bill Sunday
14. “The business empires built by successful entrepreneurs were erected on the foundation of past failures.” – Ajaero Tony Martins
15. “To avoid failure is to limit accomplishment.” – Will Rogers
16. “The greatest failure in life is to stop trying.” – Napoleon Hill
17. “There is no formula for success but there’s a formula for failure and that is trying to please everyone.”
18. “How many people are completely successful in every department of life? Not one. The most successful people are the ones who learn from their mistakes and turn their failures into opportunities.” – Zig Ziglar
19. “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I cannot accept not trying.” – Michael Jordan
20. “Show me a failure and I will show you a man, who does today, what he should have done yesterday” – Ajaero Tony Martins
21. “Like success, failure is many things to many people. With positive mental attitude, failure is a learning experience, a rung on the ladder, and a plateau at which to get your thoughts in order to prepare to try again.” – W. Clement Stone
22. “Part of being a winner is knowing when enough is enough. Sometimes you have to give up the fight and walk away. Move on to something else that’s more productive.” – Donald Trump
23. “Reward worthy failure – Experimentation.” – Bill Gates
24. “Failure is just a resting place. It is an opportunity to begin again more intelligently.” – Henry Ford
25. “Restlessness is discontent and discontent is the first necessity of progress. Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I will show you a failure.” – Thomas Edison
26. “I believe in trusting men, not only once but twice – in giving a failure another chance.” – James Cash Penny
27. “I have had all the disadvantages required for success.” – Larry Ellison
28. “When you reach an obstacle, turn it into an opportunity. You have the choice. You can overcome and be a winner, or you can allow it to overcome you and be a loser. The choice is yours and yours alone. Refuse to throw in the towel. Go that extra mile that failures refuse to travel. It is far better to be exhausted from success than to be rested from failure.” – Mary Kay Ash
29. “Sometimes by losing a battle, you will find a new way to win the war.” – Donald Trump
30. “Get mocked at for as much as you can, fail as much as you can but don’t quit. Let every mockery, every failure, be a source of inspiration for you to reach for greatness and that greatness will silence your critics.” – Ajaero Tony Martins
31. “Be the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again. Do better the second time. The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. This is your moment, own it.” – Oprah Winfrey
32. “I’ve learned that mistakes can often be as good a teacher as success.” – Jack Welch
33. “All my life, people have said that I wasn’t going to make it. – Ted Turner

34. “Be courageous. I have seen many depressions in business. Always, America has emerged from these stronger and more prosperous. Be brave as your fathers before you. Have faith! Go forward.” – Thomas Edison
35. “Losers quit when they fail. Winners fail until they succeed.” – Robert Kiyosaki
36. “Success is a poor teacher. We learn the most about ourselves when we fail, so don’t be afraid of failing. Failing is part of the process of success. You cannot have success without failure.” – Rich Dad
37. “Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness.” – Oprah Winfrey
38. “What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to each new twist of fate.” – Donald Trump
39. “For every failure, there’s an alternative course of action. You just have to find it. When you come to a road block, take a detour.” – Mary Kay Ash
40. “All my successes have been built on my failures.” – Benjamin Disraeli
41. “Defeat is not the worst of failures. Not to have tried is the true failure.” – George Edward Woodberry
42. “If we try and fail, we have temporary disappointments. But if we do not try at all, we have permanent regrets.” – Bern Williams
43. “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.” – John F. Kennedy
44. “Failures are like skinned knees, painful but superficial.” – Henry Ross Perot
45. “Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.” – Winston Churchill
46.“Winners lose more than losers. They win and lose more than losers because they stay in the game.” – Terry Paulson
47. “If you have made mistakes, even serious ones; there is always another chance for you. What we call failure is not the falling down but the staying down.” – Mary Pickford
8. “I have taken more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I have failed over and over again in my life; and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
49. “There is no failure, only feedback.” – Robert Allen
50. “I don’t believe in failure. It’s not failure if you enjoyed the process.” – Oprah Winfrey


I took a golf lesson.  I do really well the first day and out power my instructor.  I'm feeling really proud.  The next day, I'm not feeling so proud.  I keep putting the ball in the water and I'm so frustrated.  Finally, I said to my instructor, "You are a terrible instructor, because I should at least be consistent at whatever shooting level I can achieve.  I know I'm not Tiger Woods, but I should be able to be consistent.  Telling me this is difficult is not helping.  Tell me what to do."

He said, "Actually, you are only a little bit off.  He said if you approach the ball and change the angle you are attacking just one or two millimeters in the beginning, it changes the arc.  One millimeter off and you are in the green or in the water. "

I thought what a great belief system.  When all hell is breaking loose and nothing's working, you are only one millimeter off.  Cause most people think, "It's impossible," and then they give up.

The best thought you can have if nothing's working, "I'm only one millimeter away.  There's only one little thing I can change and it will change everything." Here's the difference between being certain and being uncertain - standing straight up.  I mean straight up.  When you drop just a little bit in your chest, feel it, and bring it back up.  It's just a tiny difference.

Over 30 Reliable Blogs That Pay $50+ For Your Guest Posts

Are you a freelance writer who’s tired of websites offering $1 for 100 words or $10 for 1,000 words? Well, there’s good new for you. I have a list of some good quality blogs and websites that pay you to contribute content.
I have already featured around 10 websites that pay you to write articles. But the problem is… they’re either networks or big publishers so their acceptance rate is low and a good percentage of them accept only U.S./U.K. writers. That’s not all, you’ve to be an established writer to get into their network. And then I recently featured over 90 random websites to make money online for anyone and everyone.
Now today I’m going to focus on specific blogs or websites that pay you to blog. This time I’m going to exclude networks so you can contribute your content directly and get paid. In other words, these blogs will pay you for contributing guest posts and may even hire you as one of their in-house writer.
You do have to offer extremely high quality content to match their publishing standard but you don’t have to be an established writer. Some websites may give preference to writers who have an active social media presence.
I used the Alexa rank, blogging frequency, indexed pages by Google, social media profile, and/or the overall user experience as a criteria for creating this list.
And I’ve ignored some of the famous blogs like Smashing Magazine (web 2.0), Lifehacker (tips), Lifehack (tips), SitePoint (web 2.0), Entrepreneur (entrepreneurship), MakeUseOf (tech), Babble (lifestyle), etc. as they are very choosy with low acceptance rate and they take much longer time to respond. But you can definitely try your luck.

Over 10 Google AdSense Alternatives To Make Money Blogging

Google AdSense is undoubtedly the best advertising network out there that follows a pay-per-click advertising model. When Google AdSense was first launched they were accepting almost all websites with over 100 content rich pages and that comply with their basic program policies. So almost anyone was able to get an AdSense account (even with scraped content) in less than a week or two.
But today, your website must not only comply with Google AdSense Program Policies but must also comply with Google Webmaster Guidelines. It means that you they can deny your AdSense application if your website is selling text links or is hosting copyrighted content, etc. Even if your website complies with these program policies and guidelines they may still reject the application based on the content quality.

Is It Possible To Make Money Blogging Without Google AdSense?
Google AdSenseIn a word, Yes. But what you should know is that Google AdSense is almost unassailable when it comes to monetization simply because they have the largest ad inventory. Since pay-per-click ad networks determines the cost per click based on bidding, when more and more advertisers are bidding for the same ad position the cost per click increases naturally. That exactly is the reason why AdSense outperforms any other ad networks out there.
And that doesn’t mean that you can’t make more money that you used to make with AdSense from other networks. For instance, if you use the right affiliate program then its earnings may be more than all your ad revenues combined. But the problem with affiliate programs is that they’re not so reliable. For example, if your organic rankings drop then it will impact your earnings directly or if those affiliate programs reduce commissions or change their business model then it may affect your earnings. So it’s not a good idea to rely on affiliate programs alone in the long term.
So what are the options and alternatives to Google AdSense?
Luckily there are a lot of websites to monetize our content in several ways without using AdSense. Some of them are: banner ad networks (for CPM ads), affiliate networks (for CPA ads), alternate pay-per-click ad networks (for CPC ads), text links, sponsored posts, paid guest posts, in-text ads, in-image ads, etc.
You can consider these AdSense alternatives if Google – banned your account for whatever reason, denied your application, or if you want to try something else or if you don’t want to depend upon AdSense income alone.

Sell PPC Ads: The 7 Best Google AdSense Alternatives

I have reviewed few pay-per-click ad networks, in-text ad networks, CPM ad networks, and other ways to monetize your content. If you’re looking for Cost Per Action (CPA) or Pay Per Lead (PPL) networks then check out the Top 10 Affiliate Networks for affiliate marketing which is again an alternative to Google AdSense. You can place ads from almost all the below mentioned networks along with your Google AdSense ads.

1. Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads (by is probably the best alternative to AdSense as it’s powered by Yahoo Bing Network. Bing has a search market share of around 18% and they also have a good ad inventory. I’ve tried few months back and the average CPM was better than any other AdSense alternatives. Also, if you’re from Russia or your targeted visitors live in Russia then then you can try Yandex Advertising Network instead of
  • Alexa Rank: 2,374
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $100 (PayPal); $500 (Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
  • Yahoo! Bing Network Contextual Ads: Sign Up | FAQ

2. Clicksor

ClicksorClicksor is one of the best Google AdSense alternative which allows publishers to display advertisements related to their website content by using their contextual technology. You can place Clicksor ads along with Google AdSense ads and can even set minimum prices for CPV, CPC, CPM and CPI ads. The ad formats include Inline Text Links, Text banners, Graphical banners, Pop-unders and Interstitial ads. You receive up to 85% of the ad income and can earn extra income by referring other publishers. Clicksor pays 10% additional income every time you refer a publisher or advertiser to Clicksor network.
  • Alexa Rank: 1,312
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $50 (PayPal, Check); $1,000 (Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click, Cost Per Impression
  • Clicksor: Sign Up | FAQ

3. Superlinks

Superlinks is an ad network that offers a variety of products like — premium banner ads, full page ads, footer ads, tower ads, exit links, etc. You can create multiple ad units on a single page (up to 5 ad units per page). Superlinks has partnered with DoubleClick Ad Exchange, OpenX and other premium ad networks so that it can offer higher CPM than Google AdSense (because of higher ad inventory). It’s worth a try when your traffic quality is high and the AdSense earnings is low.
  • Alexa Rank: 37,719
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $100 (PayPal & Payoneer); $500 (Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Payoneer, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
Superlinks: Sign Up | FAQ

4. BidVertiser

BidVertiserBidVertiser is another top alternative to Google AdSense which pays you for valid clicks on ads placed on your website as well as for conversions generated from those clicks. You display ads on your website or blog and advertisers bid against each other so that you earn the maximum cost per click.
  • Alexa Rank: 1,364
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $100 (Check)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
  • BidVertiser: Sign Up | FAQ

5. Chitika

ChitikaChitika is an online advertising network that allows publishers to display ads on their website, blog, app or mobile site. They offers publishers and advertisers user targeted, search targeted, mobile and local ads for websites, blogs, apps and mobile sites. As a publisher you can also refer other publishers to them and earn 10% of their CPC revenue for up to 10 months from their approval date.
  • Alexa Rank: 2,326
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $50 (Check)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
  • Chitika: Sign Up | FAQ

6. Sovrn (formerly Lijit)

LijitLijit offers many advertising options like remnant banner ads, homepage takeovers, rich media ads, contextual ads, image ads, social engagement ads, etc. They say they have direct partnership with major ad agencies and networks to maximize your CPMs.
  • Alexa Rank: 2,326
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $50 (Check)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Click
  • Lijit: Sign Up | FAQ

7. Yllix

Yllix is an ad network that supports CPM, CPC, CPA and even Pop Up ads. You can earn additional income by referring new advertisers and publishers. When you refer an advertiser, you get $100 bonus plus 1% of lifetime ad spend. And when you refer a publisher, you get $50 bonus plus 2% of lifetime publisher earnings.
  • Alexa Rank: 8,455
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $10 (PayPal); $500 (Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Cost Per Click, Cost Per Action, Pop Up Ads
Yllix: Sign Up | FAQ
Also try, AdSupply, SwitchAds

Sell Direct Ads

If your website is in a competitive niche and is getting good traffic then you can sell direct ads. It works the best when you have banner ad spots on your website so that potential advertisers can contact you to buy those ad spots. For some big publishers, selling direct advertising is their only way of monetization because they can control the CPM and thereby their income. All you need to do is to create an “Advertise” page on your blog or website with your Google PageRank, Alexa Traffic Rank, Traffic Statistics (by Google Analytics) and the available ad formats with their rates per month. Or you can try the following networks to make selling easier.

8. BuySellAds

BuySellAdsBuySellAds is an online advertising network where publishers can list their ad inventory. You get access to thousands of advertisers through their market place. The BuySellAds network supports web, mobile web, RSS, Tweets, apps (desktop, iOS, Android) and e-mail. BuySellAds is a good alternative to AdSense and is used by most professional bloggers.
  • Alexa Rank: 2,041
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $20 (PayPal); $50 (Check); $500 (Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Fixed Rate Banner Ads, Sponsored Tweets
  • BuySellAds: Sign Up | FAQ

9. Beacon Ads

Beacon Ads is an alternative to BuySellAds. In fact, the user interface of Beacon Ads looks just like BuySellAds. But the thing is…. Beacon Ads takes 30% commission, while it’s only 25% at BuySellAds.
  • Alexa Rank: 127,420
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $20 (PayPal); $50 (Check)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check
  • Programs Offered: Cost Per Impression, Fixed Rate Banner Ads
Beacon Ads: Sign Up | FAQ

10. BlogAds

BlogAds specializes in blog advertising and it’s comparable to BuySellAds. You can sell ads directly to advertisers, and can set the prices by yourself. You can earn an additional 15% revenue by referring new advertisers (they take 30% commission for all ad sales).
  • Alexa Rank: 47,002
  • Minimum Payment Amount: $75 (PayPal); $750 (Check & Wire Transfer)
  • Payment Method(s): PayPal, Check, Wire Transfer
  • Programs Offered: Fixed Rate Banner Ads, Sponsored Tweets
BlogAds: Sign Up | FAQ


First and foremost a student is a person who is studying in school; it could be in secondary or university schools. role on the other hand is a part and also a degree to which some body is involved in a situation or an activity and effect he have on it. As we know that student are special group of people with strong stamina and passion for realizing certain set goals and objective. Also Students have some characteristics that distinguish them from other generations. Such characteristic include impatient for change, zealousness, radicalism, rebellions, curiosity, hard work, ego and ambition etc. You will agree with me that these are the propelling factors for national development. While national development is the general improvement in the lives of individual, groups and environment. Looking at these two concepts, it is safe to say that, students are engine and actualizes of national development; if there mindsets are channels in the right direction. Therefore, there actions and inaction are necessary impetus for entrenching and consolidating the vertical and horizontal integrations of any of there society in their country Nigeria.
You will agree with me that there is a linkage and intercourse between the student and the national development that is creating a new Nigeria. This intercourse is not only symbolically connected; but one depends on the other for sustenance. Therefore, the role of Nigerian student in creating a new Nigeria for the national development can not be over emphasized. The wheel development of Nigeria lies on the shoulder of how productivity and creativity the student populations are. The students in Nigeria are engine of growth and development because they provide the labour force for production of goods and services to take effect. And also are critical masses of people, whose action and inactions can develop or destroy the hegemonies of Nigeria their country. So therefore, the role of Nigeria student in creating a Nigeria for national development to take place is sacrosanct to the whole developmental aspiration of Nigerian societies. The students are the corner stone to societal rejuvenation. Society are not only recreated through it student and youthful population, but student are often referred as the leaders of tomorrow. So there mindsets and role is of major importance in creating a new Nigeria. It is perplexing to say that Nigeria will not experience development when the preponderance of population is ineffective. So therefore, the Nigeria students have a very big and greater role to play in creating a new Nigeria for it national development. It is my humble submission that, today due to lack of opportunities and support in the country, the only place of consolidation for the Nigeria student and the youthful minds to showcase there talents and energy is in the entertainment industry. Which to me is a great disappointment; entertainment though a multi million dollar sector in advance countries but, is a divisional and idle sector for pool of human resource and creativity that lied buried in the hands of and hearts of Nigerian student.   

Nigerian student therefore have a very big role to play in creating a new Nigeria.
Since gaining its independence Nigeria has experience a turbulent history which as a nation we claim to overcomes. It’s worthy to mention that our founding fathers and first president of Nigeria were youths. Having gain freedom from British rule we were considered as well educated and economically strong due to the agriculture and moral discipline. Securities of life and property food, job were at a very high level.
Unfortunately due to moral decadence, ethnicity and religious bigotry that resulted in greed, lack of commitment, selfishness, neglect of our youths, desire for  immoral wealth at all cost (419) myopic sentiments, etc over the past several decades, insecurity has become the other of the day, and our sad reality.
Decline in education resulted in loss of values, leading to laziness, which as its result produced hunger, desire for immoral wealth (419) and turned into joblessness. The previous then descended into kidnapping, arm robberies, cultism and bombing and lately terrorism. Looking at all this evil activities going on the country you see that instead of going forward we are going backward, because these entire insecurity problem is affecting the nation and its economy. Looking closely you will see that these student and youth that suppose to be the change they want to see are involved in this dirty activities. Some of these activities include being used by some politician to achieve there selfish interest and thereby causing problem in the society. Destruction of school property during riot and protest are the activity that the students do engage themselves which is not good for the nation development, because after those riot and destruction of school property the problem remain unsolved. Therefore the role of a student ensuring security in Nigeria as a way of creating a new Nigeria begins with education. Education is the greatest and most efficient instrument to improve moral values, discipline, and responsibility. through education you will be able to create a new jobs, build a strong and competitive economy, promote harmony and coexistence, gain respect for other people and there views and etc. can you imagine how truly great Nigeria will be if all the millions of student in the country worked together towards the greater interest of the nation and not for selfish short minded purposes.
John F. Kennedy the former president of United States said “ask not for what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. Greatness is not attain by what you can do for yourself, or your surrounding at a micro level, but what you can do to help less privileged and your country as a whole. The development of any society is the interplay between man and his environment. This interplay that ensure self discovery plays a major role in energizing, motivating and mobizing the people towards a common goal. There is no doubt, when God created the world, he perfected it with major variables that will make the life of man simpler, easier and peaceful, towards moral, physical and celestial prosperity. However, the inability of student to curtail his ego and self love has been the major obstacles to attaining God promises, thereby, heightening circle of confusion and hopelessness. It is important to say that a student or a man is a product of his environment or value system. It is the value system that shapes the perception and belief of the student and the people. Generations upon generation were feed with value system that comes to influence their perception, behaviors, attitude and character for centuries. Therefore, society with strong value system will experience high development and discipline group of people, while a society with weak value system will experience chaos and underdevelopment. In creating a new Nigeria, Nigerian student must use dialogue to settle what ever violence that may arise in there various schools, there by promoting unity and peace in the nation. This will also reduce the rate of evil practice in Nigeria schools. In creating a new Nigeria, Nigeria student must be creative. Today in Nigeria we have seen the rate of unemployment. Considering the number of student in Nigeria coming out of school every year and start searching for white color job.
Creativity which involves the use of skill and imagination to produce some thing new or work of art, having the skill and the ability to produce some thing new, especially the work of art, will help Nigerian student coming out of school and also reduce the rate of unemployment in the country. In the same vein Nigerian student must be discipline, having the ability to make you do some thing, especially some thing difficult. If you look around in Nigeria today you will see that the Nigerian student are the ones been use as thugs for some selfish politicians to achieve their selfish interest. But if our students are self-discipline they will not involve themselves in such evil activity which is eating deep into the nation. Standing against examination malpractice and promoting academic excellence will go a long way in creating a new Nigeria. Today you see that exam malpractice has reduced the reducing culture among our student, which makes it impossible for Nigerian student to be self-motivated. Since a student who graduated from a higher institution can not defend or prove his or her certificate, what then did he or she have to offer his country. Therefore tackling this academic problem will help Nigerian student to stand out and also participate in promoting the nations economy in their areas of profession. Other numerous roles a Nigerian student play in creating a new Nigeria includes obedient to the laws of the land. Many students disobey the laws of the land by being unpatriotic and thereby are not the change they want to see.  
In creating a new Nigerian, holding of seminars in our various schools, seminar that stood against evil in the society, as people acquiring education in the school, teaching the grass root people and fellow student the danger of drug abuse, raping, kidnapping and so on. Through seminars Nigeria student will go a long way in the nation building through its student. As a student one of the reason while we are studying is also to learn and correct the mistake of our past leaders.
In creating a new Nigerian, Nigerian student must be self- motivation because is a drive to great success. Motivation has been define as the feeling of enthusiasm, interest or commitment that makes some body to want to do some thing with the aim of reaching a goal. Because is a common belief that those who are self-driven are the most likely to succeed in life, On the other hand self-motivation is the ability, an inner drive, to stir up oneself effectively with out needing to be persuaded by people or situations.
The question is how does self-motivation helps in the nation development? Yes a self-motivated student  have a lot to contribute in the nation development, because it will help the student to critically asses and evaluate the various activities of there past and present government, it will help us to find solution to our societal problems.
It helps the student to reason objectively and rationally as well as to analyze critically economic and social events.
 As we know that Nigeria is the must populous nation in African continent with different ethnic group and potential youth, to make the country a new place to live our student must be detribalize and should use dialogue to settle issues and quarrel among themselves. One problem rocking Nigeria today is leadership positions, who will lead and who will not lead, this issue have been tearing Nigeria apart for many years, following the mistake made by our founding fathers not to share the leadership positions among each of the tribe on the period of there rule to create fairness and equity among the tribes in the nation. Today that has become a very big problem. Like I stated earlier in creating a new Nigeria, the Nigerian student must learn some thing from this mistake made by our former leaders and made correction were appropriate in the school and put hands together to promote unity. We therefore call on all Nigerian students to join this battle to save Nigeria and become a renaissance youth by learning and practicing these thematic words honesty, honor, integrity, consciousness, respect, contentment, courtesy, and patriotism. It is through those that Nigerian student can create a new Nigeria.    

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