Monday, 26 September 2016

The Easiest Way to Succeed: Associate with Successful People and Winners

Most people think that it is hard and maybe even impossible for them to become successful, because it needs a lot of work, talent, money and some ideal conditions to succeed. They think they have to be genius to succeed and have a great life.
There are many ways to become successful. There are a lot of things that you need to gather to become able to succeed. It needs time and effort, and you should not give up along the way. Most people have a good start, but they give up at the middle of the way. They feel energetic to start, but then they feel it isn’t worth to continue and reach the destination.
 any of them never start doing something important toward becoming successful. They just sit and wait until success comes to them. The bad news is, it never does. It is you who has to move toward it. You have to find it, because you need it. It doesn’t need you, and it doesn’t look for you.

Maybe you are among those who have never taken any steps toward achieving something great in your life, or you are one of those who have taken some actions, but have given up at the middle of the way. Maybe you didn’t have someone who gives you the energy to start and continue. Everybody comes to this world with enough vital energy to take big steps, and he/she doesn’t need to be supported by anybody if he/she really decides to reach his goals. In spite of this, most people never use their vital energy to move. They want to start, but they can’t, or don’t know how.
There are so many reasons behind peoples’ failures. I believe focusing on these reasons doesn’t change anything. We have to show people the right ways. We have to give them good solutions. If so, they will leave their failures behind, and will feel enough energy and enthusiasm to move.
One of the best things that can make you start moving toward success, is associating with successful people and winners. Mixing up with those who can do anything they decide, and nothing can stop them. Those who have achieved any dreams they’ve had, and still haven’t stopped to dream big. Those who always have great ideas.
If you find such people and associate with them, you will absorb their energy and eagerness. After a while, you feel you are like them. You can do anything you want. You are brave enough to start and keep going. Great ideas come to your mind. You feel you have become a different person. You talk differently and feel stronger.
The successful people you find and associate with, they don’t give you anything physically to make you move. They usually don’t do that. They don’t even support you financially, because they believe money doesn’t do anything for someone who isn’t brave enough to attempt. You just need to mix up with them and be around them. Just follow what they say and do every day.
They don’t show you a way. They don’t even give you a solution. You don’t need any solutions to succeed. The only thing you need is enough energy to start and keep moving. You will make mistakes along the way. But this is normal. The most important thing is that you don’t give up. Enough energy and enthusiasm is something that prevents you from giving up. This is what you can get from the successful people you associate with. Just be around them and you will absorb their strength and power.
How Is That Possible?
 ave you ever noted that when you met a funny person with a lot of sense of humor, you start laughing too and you feel happy? He transfers his sense and positive energy to you through his words and actions. He doesn’t give you or feed you anything. He just talks and behaves and you just watch and listen. But he changes your mood. If you keep on associating with him, after a while you become like him, and you will become able to transfer the same sense to the others, whereas you didn’t have such an ability before. You just get the energy from him. You laugh even when he is not there. You just remember him, his actions and jokes, and you laugh. His energy and character sits in your mind and makes you have a happier life.
It is the same when you mix up with successful people. After a while you feel you are serious and hard-working. You are smart and precise, while you are braver and stronger. You think, analyze, decide and take proper actions on time. You don’t stop working until you finish your jobs.
You will be amazed sometimes, because you haven’t been used to be like that before, but now you have changed and you are a new person who has a strong character.
This is what you will get from the strong and successful people you mix up with.
Conversely, if you mix up with losers, you will become like them. If you associate with those who are always focused on negativity, you will become a pessimistic and negative person. You will not only ruin your life, but also you will make anybody who associates with you, have a bad life too. What you receive from the others, good or bad, can be transferred to the others by you, the same way that you got them from some others.

It doesn’t need any effort and energy to start moving toward success. Maybe you don’t feel the energy now. That is not a big deal. Just mix up with the energetic and successful people. You will get the energy from them without having to push yourself. Then you will take proper actions automatically because you have collected enough energy.
You may ask what if you don’t know any successful people around yourself?
Maybe you are right and you don’t know any successful person who can inspire you and give you the energy you need. But, you don’t necessarily have to meet them face to face and shake hands with them. You can find them over the Internet and read and think about them. You can read their quotes, books, biography and success stories. Buy their books, watch their videos, and listen to their speeches and seminars. Then focus your mind on them and everything you learn from them. You will get the energy anyway. Soon you will have the same mentality and behavior, and so, you will move toward success, the way they did.
Just focus on positivity and avoid negativity. Visit and join the sites that look positive, not those that are focused on negativity, criticism, gossip and backbiting. Join the communities that spread positive energy over the Internet; not those who try to introduce themselves through sabotaging the others
Tell me who your friends are, or what people you like the most and you spend your time hearing, reading and thinking about them, and I tell you who you are and what destiny you will have.
Good luck.

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