Fear is the opposite of faith or courage. most times it come as a
result of ignorance of God’s power, lack of constant fellowship with God
and listening to negative stories from others’ experiences.
Any Christian who desires to serve God must not allow fear of any
kind to occupy his heart; no wonder bible admonishes us to fear not”
Fear either leads to irrational decision, Saul disobey God for fear
of failure in battle. Esau sold his birth right for fear of death.
Orpah went back from following the mother-in-law, Naomi for fear of the
future. Peter the outspoken apostle, denied his master for fear of what
the people might do to him. The result of fear could be terrible.
The origin of fear is sin; a Christian who experiences fear must
first examine his life to ensure that there is no sin. He will need to
develop his faith through constant reading, hearing and meditation on
God’s word. Constant prayer and fellowship with God will build up
courage in you.
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