If you improve self esteem, you will become a better person both for yourself and the others.
Do you know what self esteem is? It is how much you love and respect yourself.
That was the simplest way of describing self esteem. You know me… I like to simplify everything…
Is it good to love yourself? Of course it is. You can’t love anybody
if you don’t love yourself. You love the others exactly because you love
You can’t work toward having a better life and becoming a better
person if you don’t love yourself, or if you don’t love yourself enough.
But why don’t some people love themselves, or why they don’t love themselves enough?
Everybody loves him/herself naturally. If someone doesn’t, it is
because of the negative impacts of the people who have been around.
So the place you live in and the people who are around, are very
important. Parents are the first who can improve or destroy your self
esteem with their words and behavior. The most common mistake they make
in this case is overloading you with lots of negative words when you
make a mistake.
I was about to start this article with a negative phrase (Lack
of self esteem…) but I removed the sentence before I complete it because
talking and thinking negative hurts every body including yourself.
There is no point to be negative while you can be positive and think and
talk positively.
So let’s stop talking about the things that hurt our self esteem and start talking about the things that improve it.