Our program rewards your sales and marketing efforts with
The best compensation plan in the world for Sales pros
4 compensation plans to maximize your earnings; we pay you at every step of the Sale for LIFE.
1Earn 10 cents per click per visitor When you share text & banner links to solutions, you get paid.
2Earn 5% commission per saleWhen your Personal leads turns into accounts, you get paid.
3Earn 1% commission per saleWhen your Team leads turns into accounts, you get paid.
4Earn 5% or 1% for LIFE When your Personal & Team accounts make additional purchases, you get paid
Which simply means, you have more ways to earn more than anywhere else.
But you can't, and won't succeed here without a clear plan you fully understand, and then execute.
So, Plan to Succeed, and you will!
Your options are: focus on... selling online, or selling offline, or building a sales team, or doing all three!
Whatever you choose to do, our plan makes sure you earn and get paid for your honest to goodness efforts.
So, what will it be?
you sell online, you are aiming to earn by promoting our products and
services to potential customers online; on websites, blogs, social media
pages, marketplaces, forums and discussion boards, and even email. You
do this by sharing our free text and banner links on all these places.